Monday, 9 February 2009

Worst EV day ever.

EV = Expected value. It bascially means what you would have earned during your session if everything had gone the way it *should* - statistically in all-in pots. My EV line is at around +$8k, while I actually lost ~4k. $12k in EV gone is a lotttttt for a day esp as I only played 5/10. I am marginally still +money for this month, but it's really starting to annoy me, it has been a good 30 days that it's been like this for, and I don't really like it!

There were obviously some absurd hands that happened but I can't be arsed to post them all. The annoying thing is, the games were sooooo soft today and if today had been a normal day I would have crushhhhhhed.

This is def not how I imagined 09' starting!


Anonymous said...

def time to change network/skin ;-)

Anonymous said...

anyways, keep it up. In the longterm.... blahblahblah...

Online Money Making said...

Great..keep it up. Its great way of making money online in very short time..Thanks :)