Saturday, 13 December 2008

What do I dooooo?

I went to sleep last night at around 8pm (8PM!!!). It must be like the only Friday night of the semester I havent gone out, partly cos of no one being around, partly cos of football this afternoon and partly cos I feel a bit ill.

So I get 12 hours of sleep and decide I will play poker before football. Half way through my session I get a text saying the game is off.. great. So now Its nearing 1 o'clock and playing my session definitely made me feel more ill.... I will prob still go out tonight though, but I have nothing to do for a good 6 hours or whatever. No poker - no football - no school work - watched all the available eps of LOST/Prison Break/Heroes - no one is around till tonight... what do I doooooo?

Oh, and the session went well (lost a few flips early on, but I realllllly don't think I can complain):

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