Wednesday 29 October 2008

Disgusting pt 2...

Back at uni, but still going kinda bad! At least I won some money, but as you may or may not be able to see I am $4.8k under expected value today. That sucks cos it makes it around 11-12k under expected value for the last couple of days, which could have boosted the month a lot. There were some really, realllllly bad hands, which I don't have time to post.. but they are horrible.

As it is, I can't really complain. I am up around $33k for the month, having played probably just under half of what I would usually play. Also $33k now = £20.5k because of the pound falling. I hope it continues, really.

This looks like it's the end of my month - I may play a tiny bit more if I can. Tomorrow I have a football match for the uni in Brighton, then am going out afterwards. On Thursday I have an assignment to do and 4 hours of classes, as well as football training and fencing, then on Friday it's a big night out for Halloween at the uni, which will be really cool..

I wont put up my monthly graph yet in case I do play more, but it will get posted.

Gl, Rob.

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