Sunday, 12 October 2008

10k day.

I woke up at 2pm ish today cos I had two pretty heavy nights before it. One was in Fabric in London. I got back at 6am, then had a football match to attend in the morning. That sucked. I played kinda well, but didn't actually sprint once I don't think. Then straight after that I went to watch England play and a friend was visiting his girlfriend up here so we went out on the town again.

So got up at 2ish, then decided I would be playing a session today. Knew right from the off it was gonna be my day really. I think I only misplayed one hand today, and that was a bad call on the river in a 3bet pot. But apart from that I was really very happy with how I played. It's not really like I won a tonne of flips either (that's not to say I didn't get on the luckier side of things) but for the most part my bet sizing and general play was good. It also helped that the games were pretty soft today.

For the month i'm around +23.5k which I am pretty satified with to be honest, especially since I have only played around 15k hands. I did have a pretty brutal day where I was down 8k then clawed 3k back before I had to head off to a uni football match. I must say it hit me harder than when I used to lose that amount at home.. i'm not sure why, maybe because I had other things to do and could not play 20 hours straight to get it back or whatever. I'm definitely not looking forward to my next one of those, especially if it's before a lesson!

Good luck.


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