Monday, 16 March 2009

Quick update.

I didn't play on Friday. Over the weekend I must have played around about an hour over the two days... finished up ~8k though. Games were softttt.

I realised today that I might not play for a week which puts a serious dent in my 1k/hands per day ambition for this month.

Tonight I have to study for an exam, tomorrow is the exam, then St Paddies day. Wed is lectures, football then football night out. Thursday is recovery, and group work for a couple subjects. Friday is lectures then back home for a night out... then Saturday is cup semi final time, with a mates birthday straight afterwards (should be massive).

I hope I find time inbetween all that, but it's quite possible I don't. This is a reminder to myself to put the hours in after this week!

Just over 14k hands this month so far, $28k.

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